Project Category Description
"Hekabe" of Euripides Specials

Stage lighting for the play "Hekabe" von Euripides in the theatre of Schaan, Liechtenstein

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ABUS CraneHouse Offices & Office Buildings, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Lighting design for the Abus brand world to make technology an emotional experience

to Project Report
Administration & Service Center BP Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting architecture and lighting technology planning and advice for the new building project "Administrative building including outdoor facilities for BP Europe SE in Lingen".

to Project Report
Architekturbüro am Phoenixsee Offices & Office Buildings

Das zukünftige Phoenixwerk an prominentester Stelle des Geländes Phoenix West auf dem ehemaligen Stahlwerksareal wird ein Gebäudeensemble mit heterogener Fassadengestaltung in Anlehnung an die Nutzung, welches durch die Verwendung eines einheitlichen Klinkers als Einheit gehalten wird. Ziel auf lange Sicht ist es, diesen Ensemblecharakter auch in die Nachtarchitektur zu übertragen.

baked goods production hall Peter Essen Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design for an open kitchen bakery goods production hall

BMW Niederlassung Dortmund Shopping Malls & Retail

Erstellung eines atmosphärischen und funktionalen Lichtkonzeptes für den Ausstellungsbereich, einschließlich Zonierung und Wegeführung; LPh 1-2

BOB Balanced Office Building - BOB K7 Gema in Berlin Offices & Office Buildings

Lichtplanung für ein nachhaltiges Holzhybrid-Bürogebäude mit einem ganzheitlichen Nachhaltigkeitsansatz und DGNB Platinzertifizierung

BOB Balanced Office Building - Konzeptentwicklung "Modulare Beleuchtung" Offices & Office Buildings

Konzeptentwicklung Licht für New Work Spaces Roll Out

BOB Balanced Office Building Aachen Offices & Office Buildings

Lichtplanung LPh 2-8 New Work Office Spaces

BOB Balanced Office Building Düsseldorf Offices & Office Buildings

LED Lichtplanung für Sonderbereiche in New Work Arbeitswelten

BOB Balanced Office Building Hannover Offices & Office Buildings

Lichtplanung LPh 2-8 New Work Office Spaces

BOB Balanced Office Building Krefeld Offices & Office Buildings

LED Lichtplanung LPh 2-8 neu Arbeitswelten

Brandenburger Einkaufszentrum Wust Shopping Malls & Retail

Lichtarchitektonische und lichttechnische Begleitung des Projektes inkl. Entwicklung von Sonderleuchten zusammen mit Peters Design aus Rinteln; LPh3-5

Bürogebäude Dietz Asset Management GmbH Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design

Bürohaus Fiege Mittelhafen Münster (in Bearbeitung) Offices & Office Buildings

Lichtplanung Büro LPh 2-8

Bürokomplex Townus Offices & Office Buildings

Beratung für die Arbeitsplatzbeleuchtung nach DIN und ASR

Case Study City Museum Münster LED Relighting Arts & Culture, Specials

Case Study City Museum Münster - LED Relighting

to Project Report
Case Study Museum Draiflessen Collection conversion to LED lighting Arts & Culture, Specials

Case study: Conversion and energetic refurbishment to sustainable LED lighting for exhibition lighting and architectural lighting

to Project Report
Case Study Museum Folkwang Essen Conversion to LED lighting Arts & Culture, Specials

Conversion and energetic refurbishment to sustainable LED lighting of the luminous ceilings and exhibition spotlights

to Project Report
Center for International Light Art I Exhibition "James Turrell - Geometry of Light" Arts & Culture, Specials

Lighting design for the exhibition "James Turrell - Geometry of Light" at the Center for International Light Art

to Project Report
Center for International Light Art I Exhibition "Light 21" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting in the context of historical industrial architecture

to Project Report
Central Bus Station Frankfurt Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Architectural and technical lighting planning and consulting for the public outdoor area of the InterCityHotel Frankfurt and the covered long-distance bus station; performance phases 2-3; the ZOB FFM with Schneider Schumacher Architects is planned as a light and translucent roof made of diamond-shaped foil cushions, which glow from inside at night from invisible light sources; Aim: long-distance effect and nocturnal quality of stay

Central Station Leipzig Public Buildings

Denkmalgerechte Lichtplanung für den größten Kopfbahnhof Europas

to Project Report
Church St. Christophorus Hirschberg Temples & Churches

Re-Lighting of a 17th Century Catholic Church

to Project Report
Church St. Norbert Werl Temples & Churches

Renovation & renewal of lighting

to Project Report
Church St. Severin Warstein Temples & Churches

Creation of an individual lighting concept including special lighting development for the lighting renovation of the Church of St. Severin with special emphasis on the sacred atmosphere

to Project Report
City hall and kindergarten lighting Welver Public Buildings

Lighting design and re-lighting; energetic renovation

City lighting concept competition "Places of Light" Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Competition entry for a city lighting concept

City Railway Station "Health Campus" Public Buildings, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Creation of a lighting concept for the platform level, the associated developments and the pedestrian tunnel, as well as the outdoor facilities and access roads, taking into account the aspects of functionality, economy, ecology and aesthetics

to Project Report
Coal Washing & Landscape Park Zollverein Arts & Culture, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Conversion of a UNESCO World Heritage Site to the Ruhr Museum with a landscape park

to Project Report
Conference Center Douglas Holding AG Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design

COR & interlübke Showroom Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design for the new COR and interlübke house

to Project Report
DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung - Nachhaltigkeit Arts & Culture

Ausstellungs- und Architeturbeleuchtungsplanung

to Project Report
DASA World of Work Exhibition - Energy Hall Arts & Culture

Exhibition and architectural lighting design

to Project Report
DASA World of work exhibition support 2011-2017 Arts & Culture

Lghting concept for different zones of the 13,000 square meter permanent exhibition of the DASA in Dortmund, LPh 1-8.

Denkmalpfad Zeche Zollverein (UNESCO Weltkulturerbe) Arts & Culture

Lichtplanung Ausstellungsbereich auf dem Areal des UNESCO Weltkulturerbe

DEZ shopping center Kassel Shopping Malls & Retail

Architectural and technical lighting planning and advice for the "DEZ Shopping Center Kassel", an existing and extension building project by ECE GmbH. Creation of a perception-oriented lighting plan under aspects of energy saving and sustainability; LPh 3-8

DRAIFLESSEN Collection "C&A attracts! 100 years of company history" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Credo - Masterpieces of the Art of Faith" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Emil Nolde – a critical approach by Mischa Kuball" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting "Emil Nolde - a critical approach by Mischa Kuball"

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Faith, love, hope" Arts & Culture

DRAIFLESSEN Collection exhibition lighting "Faith, love, hope"

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Heilige Anna" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Heimat" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Inspired by 100 Years of C&A" Arts & Culture, Specials

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Kunst trotz(t) Demenz" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Marken und Monogramme" Arts & Culture

Exhibition Lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Opposite the picture" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "Passion Art" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection "RÄUME HAUTNAH" Arts & Culture

Museum exhibition lighting with daylight ceilings and LED spotlights: planning & luminaire adjustment

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection, Ausstellung "Abiturrituale" Arts & Culture


DRAIFLESSEN Collection, Ausstellung "Hohe Schneidkunst"" Arts & Culture


Draiflessen Collection, exhibition "Glaube", Teil 1 der Trilogie "Glaube-Liebe-Hoffnung" Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting

DRAIFLESSEN Collection - Ausstellung "Archive Collection" Arts & Culture


DRAIFLESSEN Collection - Ausstellung "Auf Spurensuche" Arts & Culture


DRAIFLESSEN Collection - Ausstellung "The Final Bid - Michael Pinsky" Arts & Culture


DRAIFLESSEN Collection - Stay Healthy Arts & Culture

Exhibition lighting with frame projectors and sharp-edged accent lighting

to Project Report
DRAIFLESSEN Collection Ausstellung "Vorsicht Glas" Arts & Culture

Planung und Realisierung Ausstellungsbeleuchtung

DRAIFLESSEN Collection Ausstellungsbeleuchtung "Stand der Dinge" Arts & Culture

Planung und Einleuchtung Ausstellungsbeleuchtung


Exhibition lighting "White Cube" with accentuating light layer

to Project Report
Estate Große Kleimann Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting design; Improve orientation through parking lot lighting and routing, accent lighting on the facade and parks

Farm and equestrian center "W" Münster Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Private Residences, Specials

Creation of a lighting concept for a residential building on a farm with attached riding facility and outdoor area (façade, orientation, accent and safety lighting); LPh 1-8

Fastenklinik Buchinger Wilhelmi Marbella Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Re-Lighting Zimmerbereiche

Fastenklinik Buchinger Wilhelmi Nizza (in Bearbeitung) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lichtplanung Innen- und Außenbereiche für den nachhaltigen Neubau einer Fastenklinik, LPh 1-6; Cradle to Cradle, BDM, Natura 2000

Fastenklinik Buchinger Wilhelmi Überlingen Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Masterplan Licht

Faurecia Showroom Shopping Malls & Retail

Development of a lighting concept for the showroom of the automotive supplier Faurecia.

Forest park in Gevelsberg Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting design

Friedrich-Heinrich Schacht II colliery shines in a new light Landesgartenschau 2020 Kamp-Lintfort Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

Lighting design for Friedrich-Heinrich Schacht II colliery for the State Horticultural Show 2020

to Project Report
Fürst Leopold Dorsten colliery winding tower Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

Lighting design for the mine tower at Fürst Leopold

to Project Report
Hella offices and conference area "Open Office Worlds" Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design for new work spaces

Hotel "Hyperion" and "H2" Leipzig Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

The new hotel building is to be given facade lighting to create an address and as an inviting gesture, as well as for representative purposes and for the long-distance effect. Kober light planners develop a lighting concept and support Gerber architects in LPh3-5.

Hotel Astoria Leipzig Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Concept fassade lighting

Hyperion Hotel Leipzig Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Exterior and facade lighting design for the new Hyperion Hotel in Leipzig (LPh 2-5)

to Project Report
Hülsta "living worlds" showroom Shopping Malls & Retail

lighting design for Hülsta headqquarters showroom

IAA Lexus Exhibition Booth Shopping Malls & Retail, Specials

Lighting design concept for IAA 2007

InterCityHotel Amsterdam Airport Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (in progress) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Berlin Hauptbahnhof Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Bielefeld (in Bearbeitung) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Bonn Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Breda Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Budapest Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Celle Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design, consultation

InterCityHotel Darmstadt Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Re-lighting conference area

Inter City Hotel Dortmund Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for the public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors of the new hotel in the listed Dortberghaus. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Duisburg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting concept

InterCityHotel Enschede Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Erfurt Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Re-lighting design concept

InterCityHotel Flensburg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lichtarchitektonische und lichttechnische Beratung für die öffentlichen Bereiche inkl. Konferenzbereich des Sanierungsprojektes. Schaffung von Wohlfühlatmosphäre und Willkommensgeste unter Berücksichtigung von Sehkomfort und Energieeffizienz, LPh 3-8.

InterCityHotel Frankfurt Airport Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Geneva Airport Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Graz Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Hamburg-Altona Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Hamburg-Dammtor Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design for a modern business hotel

to Project Report
InterCityHotel Hamburg Barmbeck Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCity Hotel Hamburg Zentral Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lichtplanung LPh 1-3

InterCityHotel Hannover Central Station Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Hannover Main Station East Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Heidelberg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultationfor the public areas including the conference area of the renovation project. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 3-8.

InterCityHotel Hildesheim Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Ingolstadt Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Karlsruhe (in progress) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Kiel Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Leiden (in Bearbeitung) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Lübeck Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Lübeck (in Bearbeitung) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Magdeburg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Re-lighting consulting

InterCityHotel Matteo Thun Design Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Corporate Light Concept for InterCity Hotel Group

to Project Report
InterCityHotel Nürnberg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCity Hotel Paderborm Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design for a business hotel including the train station building

to Project Report
InterCityHotel Paderborn Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Rom (in Bearbeitung) Hotels, Bars & Restaurants


InterCityHotel Rostock Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Rotterdam Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Saarbrücken Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Wien Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design

InterCityHotel Wiesbaden Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

InterCityHotel Zurich Airport Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting architecture and lighting technology consultation for public areas, conference areas, as well as for rooms and room corridors. Creation of a feel-good atmosphere and welcome gesture, taking into account visual comfort and energy efficiency, LPh 1-8.

IWC watch manufacture "IWC Works" Schaffhausen Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting concept

KaDeWe im Carschhaus Düsseldorf (in Bearbeitung) Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Shopping Malls & Retail

Lichtplanung Innenraum, Außenraum & Fassaden

Kasino Bayer in Leverkusen Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lichtplanung Park und Fassade

Kirche St. Marien in Kaiserau Temples & Churches

Erarbeitung eines Beleuchtungskonzeptes (LED Sanierung), das die besondere Architektur der romanischen Pfeilerbasilika zur Geltung bringt und eine angemessene, sakrale Atmosphäre schafft.

Landmarke an der Emschermündung (in Bearbeitung) Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

Lichtplanung & Lichtinszenierung einer Landmarke unter naturschutzrelevanten Kriterien

LED-Re lighting Museum Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen Arts & Culture

Lighting design for the energetic refurbishment of the exhibition areas and the foyer. The planning of the new LED lighting takes place under ecological, economic and perception-oriented aspects with a special focus on the reduction of damage factors through lighting, the flexible use of the latest spotlight technology for museums with the best color rendering and glare control for high visual comfort and high efficiency at the same time, measured in illuminance the target area.

LED Sanierung Museum DRAIFLESSEN Collection Arts & Culture

Lichtplanung für die energetische Sanierung der Ausstellungsflächen und des Foyers. Die Planung der neuen LED-Beleuchtung erfolgt unter ökologischen, ökonomischen und wahrnehmungsorientierten Aspekten mit besonderem Fokus auf der Reduzierung von Schädigungsfaktoren durch Beleuchtung, des flexiblen Einsatzes neuster Strahlertechnik für Museen mit bester Farbwiedergabe und Abblendung für hohen Sehkomfort bei gleichzeitig hoher Effizienz, gemessen in Beleuchtungsstärke auf der Zielfläche.

Lensing Media Port Dortmund Hafen Offices & Office Buildings

Planung Fassadenbeleuchtung; LPh 2&3

Lichtplanung Kirche St. Clemens Temples & Churches

Lichtplanung für eine (Doppel-) Kirche aus 2 Epochen

to Project Report
Lichtplanung Kirche St. Marien Kaiserau Temples & Churches

Relighting of a church

to Project Report
Lichtsanierung Kirche St. Jodokus Temples & Churches

LED light renovation of a listed church under energetic, atmospheric and conservational aspects

to Project Report
Lighthouse at the port of Dortmund Offices & Office Buildings, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Design and lighting advice for special areas

LIST Group Corporate Headquarters Bielefeld Offices & Office Buildings

New construction of LIST Group headquarters in Bielefeld - lighting design for open space working environments based on the "Light4Work "approach

to Project Report
LIST new corporate headquarters Nordhorn Offices & Office Buildings

Neubau LIST Unternehmenszentrale Bielefeld - Lichtplanung für Open Space Arbeitswelten auf Grundlage des Light4Work Ansatzes

to Project Report
Local mobility concept Osterfeld Oberhausen Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Basic lighting concept as part of the local mobility concept in Osterfeld in Oberhausen. The aim is to extend the quality of stay, living and quality of life for the people in the program area into the evening by means of perception-oriented, atmospheric and innovative lighting and thus also to create orientation and security.

Long-distance bus terminal at Leipzig Central Station Public Buildings, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

lighting design advice for the long-distance bus terminal (bus level and facade) as well as support for creating a quality of stay and orientation. LPh3

Market Hall Herford Shopping Malls & Retail, Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

Lighting design and realization for a market hall from the 20th century

to Project Report
Market passage Neheim Shopping Malls & Retail


Metro Station Bochum Lohring Public Buildings

Architectural and technical lighting design for the roofing of the subway station Lohring in Bochum

to Project Report
Monastery Johannisberg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants, Temples & Churches

Lighting design concept

Mourning Hall Dortmund Main Cemetery Temples & Churches

Planning and implementation of new lighting in the monument-protected mourning hall of the main cemetery in Dortmund

to Project Report
Municipal utilities headquarters Münster Public Buildings

Lighting consulting and concept: daylight and vip areas

Museum Folkwang Ausstellungsbereiche Arts & Culture

Machbarkeitsstudie für ein LED Re-Lighting bzw. eine LED Sanierung der lineare Leuchtstofflampenstrukturen auf LED in tunable white

Neubau Aldi Nord HQ & Campus in Essen Offices & Office Buildings

Lichtplanung von Tages- und Kunstlicht für das Neubauprojekt „Aldi Nord Campus". Die gestaltungs- und wahrnehmungsorientierte Beratung erfolgt für die öffentlichen Bereiche und die Fassadenakzentuierung für die Fernwirkung.

Neubau Materna SE Headquarters Phoenix West Offices & Office Buildings

Lichtplanung Fassade des Neubaus

Office building RIVA 1 at Phoenixsee Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting and lighting technology advice for the interior and exterior of the new building project "RIVA 1" at Phoenixsee in Dortmund. Planning areas: atrium, lounge, facade, entrance areas; LPh 1-5

Olympus Campus Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design for flexible, hybrid and inspiring New Work working environments

to Project Report
Outdoor lighting villa "F" Dortmund Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Private Residences

Lighting design

Parking Center West Munich Airport Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

Draft planning for lighting with a focus on perception, orientation, safety and long-distance effects; high quality nightly welcome touch for a 5 star airport

Penthouse Dortmund Private Residences

Architectural & atmospheric lighting design of a penthouse in Dortmund

to Project Report
Private appartments "Clemensbögen" Münster Private Residences

The "Clemensbogen" project creates condominiums in a former monastery wing. A special architectural detail here is the historical cloister, which partly belongs to the interior living space and partly used as a loggia. Overall, the apartments are in the tension between historical asceticism, a clear modern design of the interior design and the desire for a cozy retreat. The artificial lighting is an important factor in harmoniously uniting the themes.

Private art gallery "H" Arts & Culture, Private Residences

Lighting design for a private art gallery

Private house "N" Dortmund Private Residences

Lighting design for a family house

Private house in Dortmund Private Residences

Daylight planning; lighting design indoors and outdoors

Private house in Lüdenscheid Private Residences

Lighting design for a 70's house

Private pool & wellness area villa "K" Private Residences, Specials

Lighting renovation in the private swimming pool and wellness area of a villa

Private villa "K" Private Residences

Lighting design for wellness and pool area

Private Villa P. - Daylight Planning Private Residences, Specials

Daylight planning for a modern villa

to Project Report
Private Villa P. Lighting Design Private Residences

Lighting design for a modern villa

to Project Report
Private villa P. outdoor lighting Private Residences

Exterior lighting design for a modern villa

to Project Report
Public pool Lippebad Lünen Public Buildings, Specials

lighting concept

Public Pool Sportparadies Specials

Lighting design in the indoor pool of SPORT-PARADIES Gelsenkirchen with accentuation of the high-rope bridge.

to Project Report
Public Walkways City of Lüdenscheid Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Lighting design

Residence of the Generations Hotels, Bars & Restaurants, Private Residences, Specials

Lighting design for a dementia residence

Restaurant LuMiná Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Atmospheric lighting design for the LuMiná restaurant at the port of Münster

to Project Report
Restaurant Tablo Essen Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lighting design for the fine art of dining

Ruhrmuseum Essen Arts & Culture

Lichttechnische und lichtplanerische Planung und Beratung für die LED-Sanierung der Museums- und Ausstellungsbeleuchtung

Senior Residence 'Op de Deel' Private Residences, Specials

Lighting design suitable for seniors and monuments

to Project Report
Shopping center "Havel Park Dallgow" Shopping Malls & Retail

RE-lighting; LPh 1-8.

Shopping Center Cano Shopping Malls & Retail

artificial light planning and special lighting for the new shopping mall "Cano Singen"

to Project Report
Shopping mall "Citygalerie" Shopping Malls & Retail

LED re-lighting

Shoppin gmall "Sterncenter" Lüdenscheid Shopping Malls & Retail

LED re-lighting

Shopping mall Eiche Berlin Shopping Malls & Retail


Shopping mall Europaplatz Velbert Shopping Malls & Retail

Lighting design

Shopping mall Holstengalerie Shopping Malls & Retail

Architectural and technical lighting design and advice on the exterior and interior lighting for the new construction of a commercial and individual service center for ECE GmbH, creation of a perception-oriented lighting plan with aspects of energy saving and sustainability.

Shoppingmall Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum Shopping Malls & Retail

Lichtarchitektonisches und lichttechnisches Revitalisierungskonzept für die Mallflächen des Rhein-Ruhr Zentrums mit 70.000qm Verkaufsfläche. LPh1-3

Shopping mall Straßburger Platz Shopping Malls & Retail, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Lighting design

Shopping mall Thier Galerie Shopping Malls & Retail, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Lighting Design for mall und facades of the "Thier-Galerie" shopping mall for the ECE Group

to Project Report
Shopping Mall Wilmersdorf Arcaden Shopping Malls & Retail

Lighting architecture and lighting technology planning and advice for the special lighting of the public areas, especially e-facade lighting, as well as the basic lighting and ambient lighting of the mall.

Showroom "Dinner & Co" Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

lighting design for an fine dining event hall

Showroom Aloys Fischer Leuchten GmbH Shopping Malls & Retail

Lighting design for the showroom of a luminaire manufacturer

St. Annen Museum Lübeck, Ausstellung "Cranach-Kemmer-Lübeck. Meistermaler zwischen Renaisance und Reformation" Arts & Culture


Stadtsparkasse Bochholt Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting Design for the new Stadtsparkasse building - light for agile corporate and work culture

to Project Report
Stadtsparkasse Gevelsberg Offices & Office Buildings

Kundenorientierte und energieeffiziente Lichtplanung für den Umbau der Hauptstelle der Sparkasse Gevelsberg

to Project Report
Steigenberger Hotel Düsseldorf Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Beratung LPh 3-8 Lichtplanung

Steigenberger Hotel Fleetinsel Hamburg Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

lichtplanerische Beratung

Store room accessories Bült Münster Shopping Malls & Retail

Lighting design

Surveying office Wiegen Offices & Office Buildings


Tax Advisory Office Schumacher Dortmund Offices & Office Buildings

The lighting for the conversion project should offer a pleasant and atmospheric quality of work and stay, as well as being appropriate to the architecture and use. For this purpose, a pleasant, glare-free and appropriately bright workplace lighting should be guaranteed, but also design aspects should be taken into account, such as a "loungier" possibly more object-like lighting for seating areas in the entrance area, which still allows reading, but in a more relaxed atmosphere, or also furniture-integrated lighting (e.g. in the back area of the bar) and accents for special features of the new interior design and deliberately preserved elements as reminiscence.

Technology Center Vossloh AG Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design and re-lighting

Thalia Flaggshipstore im Metropol Cinema Shopping Malls & Retail

Lichtplanung für eine Flagship-Buchhandlung in historischer Lichtspielarchitektur

to Project Report
Therapy center am Bült Münster Offices & Office Buildings, Specials

Lighting design for functional and representative lighting in a medical practice

Traditionsrestaurant Reuter Hotels, Bars & Restaurants

Lichtplanung für Sternegstronomie in 2 Generationen

Turck administration and production center Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Lighting design for the interior and exterior areas of a new production and administration center

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Unterführung im städtischen Raum Holzwickede Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

Lichtunszenierung im öffentlichen Raum im Rahmen des Stadtmarketings

Urban lighting "Stadttor" Holzwickede Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Urban lighting concept

Urban lighting Phoenix West (competition) Squares & Outdoor Lighting, Specials

competition for an old urban steel works area to be converted into a technology park

Villa "R" Münster Private Residences

Lighting design for a "James Bond" style villa

Villa Ruhfus Stiftung Zukunft Sparkasse Offices & Office Buildings

Planung Garten und Parkbeleuchtung

WE-EF Technical Center Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting architecture and lighting technology design for an administration and training building

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WILO Campus - New building Smart Factory Dortmund Offices & Office Buildings

Lighting design advice for special areas

Wolfsburger Nordkopf Tower Offices & Office Buildings, Public Buildings

Lighting design for the modern office and administration building of Stadtwerke Wolfsburg AG

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Zeche Zollverein Halle 8 Kompressorenhalle Specials, Arts & Culture

Lichtplanung in historischen Räumen der Zeche Zollverein in Essen

ZOB Central Bus Station Public Buildings, Squares & Outdoor Lighting

Architectural lighting and lighting atmosphere planning and realization for the forecourt of the train station and the new ZOB central bus station in Bochum

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Zollern colliery underground adventure world Montanium Arts & Culture

Scenographic exhibition lighting in 10 light dramaturgical scenes underground

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